Prof. M. Natarajan,
B.A. M.Ch. Orth ( L’pool) F.R.C.S. (Eng.) F.A.M.S. F.T.A. Sc. F.I.M.S.A., D.Sc.
Prof M. Natarajan was born on 18 March 1918 KAMUTHI. small town in Ramanathapuram District in Tamilnadu to an illustrious parents -late Thiru. Mahalinga Moorthy and late Tmt.Pakkiam. He is blessed with FIVE great children shining in their own fields. Prof M Natarajan was bright and famous right from the start of his life in all spheres of life us can be known from this citation
He had his medical education from the Stanley Medical College, Chennai He received his first Government Gold Medal in MBBS., in 1944 for the Best Graduate of the year He then studied in England at the prestigious Liverpool University and obtained is MCh. in Orthopaedics. The other valuable degrees that he got subsequently are ERC.S(Eng FA.M.S. F.T.A.Se, FL.M.S.A, D.Sc
He received as many as 8 Awards from the University of Madras starting from Raja of Panagal Gold Medal in 1944; bains & undergraduate medical student he received a total of 10 Medals and Prizes from Stanley Medical College that includes the Government Gold Medal for the Best Graduate of the Year 1944.
1. Honorary F.R.C.S. by the Royal College of England - 1992
2. National Award for the service to the Handicapped 1991 - 1990
3. Hon D. Litt by Annamalai University.
He has been a member in various Committees and Fellow Associations including the World Health Organisation Advisory Panel on Rehabilitation, Fellow of British Orthopaedic Association, Founder Member World Orthopaedic Concern. He has been also a Fellow International Medical Science Academy, New Delhi and Fellow, Tamil Nadu Academy of Sciences.
1. President, Faculty of Medicine, University of Madras
2. Member, Syndicate Senate and Academic Council of University of Madras
3. Chairman, Board of Studies in Medicine (Post-Graduate) University of Madras
4. Chairman, Board of Studies in Nursing, University of Madras.
5. Chairman, Board of Studies in Social Work and Sociology
6. Chairman, Board of Studies in Medicine (Post-Graduate) Madurai University
7. Postgraduate Examiner in Orthopaedic Surgery in the Universities of Madras, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Mysore, Bombay, Delhi Patna, Lucknow and Calcutta.
8. Director, Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India Etd., Kanpur
9. Director, Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd., New Delhi.
10, Member, Advisory Committee of the Dept. of Social Welfare, Govt of Tamil Nadu
1. Text Book of Orthopaedics Published in 1982
Volume 1 - Fractures
Volume 2 Orthopaedics
2 Chapters of General Orthopaedics and Traumatology in the Text Book of Surgery by Dr. R. Mahadevan.
3 Chapter on Bone and Joint Tuberculosis in the Text Book of Tuberculosis by Dr. K.N.RO
He has held various posts in the Army and in Civil services including Professor and Head of the Department of Orthopaedics, Madras Medical College and Dean and Principal of the Madras Medical College. He will be remembered for ever for the excellent contributions he made in nurturing and developing those specialties of Orthopaedics that are so popular now a days viz., PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, PHYSiOTHERAPY, PROSTHETIC AND ORTHOTIC BRANCH OF STUDIES AND SERVICES HIGHLIGHTS OF Prof. M. NATARAJAN AS THE PERSON
Prof. M. Natarajan, Very affectionately revered and called as MN, is known for certain explicit and unique characters which one man will land to possess.
Prof M. Nararajan had a conviction that cure of orthopaedic ailment of a person was not the end of treatment; it extends beyond the curative at He advocated that every orthopedic surgeon should take the responsibility of affording total rehabilitation to his patients taking into account of physical, psychological, social and economic thus of every patient He is the pioneer in the field of Rehabilitation Medicine. Setting up of the Govt Institute of
Rehabilitation Medicine (G.IR.M ), the Premier Institute of Tamil Nadu is his brainchild Again he is the brain behind many innovations in the design fabrication and fitting of prostheses and orthoses to the orthopaedic patients according to their local conditions Madras Foot is the classical example for that TEAM APPROACH
He was known as an excellent Team Leader to all his Contemporaries, Assistants Undergraduates and Postgraduates Students of Medical Education-in short anyone who came into contact with him. He emphasized the need to serve the patients on the basis of team work He believed in Teamwork and he had the innate ability to realize and exploit every bit of it to the ultimate advantages of all. He was so fond of the couplet in Thirukkural ithin ithalivan mudikkum entaainthu athanai avan kan vidal that he saw to it that board with the inscription of the couplet was hung in all his workplaces. He proved himself as the born successful Leader which only brought him all the laurels.
He was humane in his thoughts and deeds. This was reflected in the outcome of all his forts towards the care of his patients. He often correct the doctors who referred their patients as some nos or as a case. (This is the case of osteomyelitis...) and advised them to refer their patients a patient Arumugam or Thiru Arumugam and so on. Despite his very busy schedules he insisted on signing all letters pertaining to the rehabilitation of the patients from all over Tamil Nadu: it definitely brought all the handicapped persons closer to him and he enjoyed such personal touch 7 rapport. One could learn from him by simple observations alone a lot of techniques like body languages, fore and modulations and the magnetic eye contact a which go to enhance magically one's manithaneyam
One would wonder how Prof. M. Natarajan could equally excel in all major spheres in his Career - Surgery, Teaching and Administration. It is not uncommon to find one gifted with best skills in surgery, another supreme in Teaching Medical students and yet another as the Best Administrator of a very big Medical Institution but not top in all the three faculties Prof. M. Natarajan was a rare person excelling in all the said faculties resulting in his highest contributions to 1). Orthopaedic Education & Research, 2). Orthopaedic Management (Treatment and Rehabilitation) and 3). Administration of the Premier Medical Institution of Tamil Nadu (Madras Medical College and Govt General Hopital).